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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hello, Kampuchea!

Bonjour, Kampuchea! Bienvenue sur le groupe de lecteurs 80-9 dans d'autres pays qui ont aussi visiter ce blog. J'espère que vous trouverez quelques-uns des messages utiles ou significatif.

Le "Traduire cette page" gadget directement au-dessus du «Total Pages vues" Counter a la capacité de traduire le texte anglais de ce blog directement en français, mais, malheureusement, pas khmer.

Quatre-vingt dix pays: Argentine, Aruba, Australie, Autriche, Bahreïn, Bélarus, Belgique, Belize, Brésil, Bulgarie, Canada, îles Caïmans, la Chine, Colombie, Congo, Costa Rica, Croatie, République tchèque, Danemark, République dominicaine, Equateur, Egypte , El Salvador, Estonie, Ethiopie, Finlande, France, Géorgie, Allemagne, Grèce, Hong Kong, Hongrie, Inde, Indonésie, Iran, Iraq, Israël, Italie, Côte-d'Ivoire, Japon, Jordanie, Kampuchea, Koweït, Lettonie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Macédoine, Malaisie, Malte, Mexique, Moldavie, Maroc, Myanmar, Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Nigéria, Norvège, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Pologne, Roumanie, Russie, Arabie saoudite, Sénégal, Sénégal, Singapour, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Afrique du Sud,Corée du Sud, Espagne, Sri Lanka, Suède, Suisse, Taiwan, Tanzanie, Thaïlande, Trinité-et-Tobago, Turquie, Ouganda, Ukraine, Emirats Arabes Unis, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yémen, Zimbabwe .

Bible Printer's Errors: The Pay for Peace Bible

Not all Bible printer's errors occurred hundreds of years ago.  One happened as recently as 1966 in the first edition of The jerusalem Bible, produced as a translation from the original Greek and Hebrew rather than Latin of Jerome's Vulgate.  The translation came about because, in 1943, Pope Pius XII suggested that the Roman Catholic Church should translate the Bible from the original languages rather than from Latin.

Psalm 122:6 read "pay for peace" instead of "pray for peace."

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Film Comment: The Bad Seed

Maxwell Anderson's broadway play, The Bad Seed, has been filmed three times; the 1956 original, a 1963 version made in Turkey, and a made-for-television 1985 film.

The 1956 original looks like a staged play because it is directly based on the Broadway production and features the cast of the stage version.  This gives the film a very claustrophobic feel, a good thing in a classic horror film.

To her horror, a loving mother (Nancy Kelly) slowly comes to the ghastly realization that, Rhoda, her cute little eight year old daughter (Patty McCormack) is a cold-blooded sociopathic killer.  Though she loves her daughter and her daughter obviously loves and trusts her, she decides that the only way to stop the murders and to spare the little girl a life in detention, is to kill her child.

All the violence in this film is offscreen and we never see the aftermath of Rhoda's murders.  We only see her blonde pigtails and her cute smile.  This is evil masquerading as innocence.  The Bible describes Satan as beautiful (Isaiah 14:13,14, Jude 6, 2 Peter 2:4).  If he were hideous or frightening we would run from him.  He masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).
Similarly themed films: Devil Times Five, Bloody Birthday, The Good Son, Bad Ronald, The Omen, The Children

Friday, July 29, 2011

Biblical Sources of Phrases in Common Use: A Fool and His Money Are Soon Parted

This phrase, "A fool and his money are soon parted," sounds biblical, but it is not.  A man named Thomas Tusser (1524 - 1580) wrote it in 1573 in his book, Five Hundreth Pointes of Good Husbandrie.  The original phrase was a line in a poem.  "A foole and his monie be soone to debate, which after with sorrow repents him too late."

Tusser was an English poet, farmer, chorister, and musician.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Jesus Vine

I do not for one second believe that this is a divine manifestation, but it is very interesting.  Every time something like this happens people rush to declare it a "sign."  To me it is a sign that people are desperate for "proof."  The problem with "proof" is that knowing is not faith, knowing is not trusting.  The devil and his demons know, and they believe (James 2:19).

A self-described non-believer noticed that a patch of kudzu vine on a telephone pole in Littleton, Colorado resembled Jesus hanging on the cross .  Pause the video at 00:55 and look at the clearly visible face.

The signs are all around us for anyone who has not intentionally shut their eyes and ears.  We don't need to see Jesus in the water stains on a wood door, on the browned portions on a piece of toast , in the shape of a cheese puff , or in a vine hanging on a telephone poll.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork." Psalm 19:1

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

God Didn't Approve

We in the American South are often accused of making college football into a religion.  We laugh about it but know there is at least a hint of truth to the charge.  It was on display at the Southeastern Conference  (SEC) Media Days recently (Friday, 22 July 2011) at the Wynfrey Hotel in Hoover, Alaabama.

Each year the SEC football coaches, their staffs, some of their players, and innumerable newspaper, magazine, radio, television, and internet reporters gather to discuss the upcoming football season.  They talk about team strengths and weaknesses, up and coming players, and anything football related.

An Alabama fan, Eric Blackerby, of Columbiana, Alabama, was spotted wearing a tee-shirt with the logo "I HATE AUBURN ."  Asked about the shirt, NIck Saban , the coach of the University of Alabama football team responded, "I would tell him it's not personal, that it really isn't personal.  That is not really the way that we should respect the opponents that we have."

Asked later about Saban's comment, Blackerby responded, "It's like I went to church and God told me that he didn't approve."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Film Comment: A Clockwork Orange

I have to admit that A Clockwork Orange (1971) is one of my favorite films.  I believe it is one of the films, like Citizen Kane and Casablanca, which is nearly perfectly made.  Every element, every sound, every piece of scenery, every piece of clothing, every facial expression; it is all essential to the totality of the film.  This is not a pretty film and the "hero" is a monster of the worst sort.  The film grabs your emotions and evokes revulsion and horror at the creature, Alex DeLarge (Malcolm McDowell).  What happens to Alex pulls the viewer into feeling sympathy, even pity, for him.  At Alex's triumph, the viewer may well feel that justice has been done.  The reason that this film is so important, and is studied in every film school, is that it forces the viewer to think.

Based on the same-named science-fiction novel by Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange was long thought to be unfilmable.  The film retains the odd slang and nihilist, crumbling culture of the novel.  The legal authorities are useless and ineffectual, so much so that Alex's gang, his three Droogies, can be deputized.  This is like hiring cannibals to babysit your children for a week.  

In a near-future dystopian England, Alex DeLarge leads his droogies on nightly rages of rape, bloody violence, and murder.  Alex and the boys respect no one and nothing  and fuel their rages with "milk plus" (milk spiked with mind-altering drugs).  The mindless sprees are set to classical music because the only thing Alex loves, besides himself, is the music of "Ludwig van" (good old Beethoven).

On a particularly violent night, Alex is betrayed by his droogies and is captured by the police.  In prison, Alex becomes the subject of a horrifying mind-altering experiment which causes him to become nauseous at the mere passing thought of committing violence.  And to Alex's horror, nausea upon hearing any music by his beloved Ludwig van.

Released as a totally reformed gentle man, Alex soon finds he has a very big problem.  His former victims remember him very well and he vomits at the thought of defending himself against them.  A true lose-lose situation.

The horrified authorities hadn't intended this outcome and feel that they have little choice but to change Alex bag to his old evil self.  Alex, of course, is delighted.

This film raises many questions: personal responsibility, free will, determinism, the nature of evil, and society's legitimate response to violence.  As surgical and pharmaceutical advances make transformations such as this entirely possible, should they be used in violation of the free will of the transgressor?  Would  a transformed criminal really be a reformed man?

Does society have the right to incarcerate or even to kill to maintain the public good?  Does society have the right to force individuals to submit to procedures which may "correct" their behavior?  Who decides what is "correct" behavior?  Does "correct" behavior include "correct" thought?  Does society have the right to screen and "treat" persons because their genetic profile says they may commit crimes in the future?

Realize if you decide to view A Clockwork Orange that it portrays extreme violence, rape, human medical experimentation, sexual situations, nudity, and phallic images.  Two excellent films with similar subject matter are Minority Report and GATTACA.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Religious Place Names

Boaz, Alabama, USA:  Boaz (Ruth 2:1) lived about 1100 BC/BCE. In Hebrew his name means something like “in him is strength.”

Kilkenny, Ireland: The Irish name of this place is Cill Chainnigh, which means “Church of Cainneach.”

Haryana, India: This name is derived from two Sanskrit words, “aryana” (“home”) and “hari” (Vishnu).  Vishnu is the Hindu god

al-Miqdadiyah, Iraq:  aka. Muqdadiyah. This is Arabic for “given by the Magi.”

Arbil, Iraq:  “Ar” is Hurrian word.  The settlement existed as early as the 23rd Century BC/BCE.  The Akkadians called it “arba u ilu,”  “four gods.”

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Names in the Bible: Jadon

Jadon has become a popular boy's name recently in the United States.  It comes from Hebrew and means "God has heard," "He will judge," or "grateful."

Jadon the Meronothite (Nehemiah 3:7) was a craftsman who participated in making repairs to the throne of a provincial governor during the rebuilding of Jerusalem.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Himmel oda Hall

I added the link to Himmel oda Hall to the post for German Christian Rap music.  It is also here:

The You Tube embed codes do not always work so I will now provide the links instead.

The Book of the Wars of the Lord

The Book of the Wars of the Lord is one of several otherwise unknown works mentioned in the Bible.  Gil Student, a Jewish scholar, in "On the Authorship of the Torah," at , says "... we have seen the talmudic and midrashic evidence that the forefathers, including Moshe, wrote books other than the Torah that were maintained and studied.  However, there is also much internal evidence that there were other books written."  The Book of the Wars of the Lord, quoted in Numbers 21:14-15, would be one of those books.

No one knows exactly what this book was but there have been many educated guesses: a collection of victory songs or poems; a book of Hebrew/ Israelite military history; another name for The Book of Jasher (mentioned in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18); a collection of sacred poems; and a military instruction manual written by Moses for use by Joshua.

Non-canonical books such as The Wars of the Lord are mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments and Paul even quoted pagan poets to make his points.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Interview With Satan on His Views About Church

This is a video from Pastor Craig Groeschel where he talks with Satan, who is more upfront than usual about his intentions.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Book Comment: The Christian Atheist

Craig Groeschel (pronounced "Grow-shell") is one of those very likable pastors, like Francis Chan, who tell you a story and then stick a knife into you for a little surgery.  The knife they use is the Bible.

In The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist, Pastor Groescchel explores the sometimes startling disparity between what we say we believe and how we choose to live; acting as if God doesn't really exist, or as if He exists but doesn't really care about us, or as if He exists but doesn't really matter in our day-to-day lives.   This is not a book about knowing "hypocrites," but about people who believe themselves to be Christians and who are crippled in their Christian lives by lies they have believed.  Some of them are pastors.

Pastor Groeschel doesn't spare himself or his family from criticism.  He clearly understands that his life and actions sometimes contradict what he says he knows to be true.  We all fall short, but, wonderfully, we are covered by the Blood of the Lamb.

The book devotes entire chapters to twelve common reasons Christians drift into the uselessness (to God and to themselves) of being Christian Atheists.
1.  They don't know who God really is.
2.  They are ashamed of something they have done in the past and are afraid that it will be exposed.
3.  They know that God loves others but aren't convinced that He could possibly love them.
4.  They don't believe in the power of prayer.  They don't believe He is listening, others feel awkward or silly talking to Him.
5.  Seeing obvious injustices and tragedies in this world, they don't believe that God is fair.
6.  They are unwilling to forgive, preferring to hold onto their hatred.
7.  They don't believe that they are able to change.
8.  They worry about everything.
9.  They think that their personal happiness should be a priority for God.
10. They believe in God but place their real trust in their personal power, position, or money.
11. They are timid or unwilling to witness to others.
12. They don't believe in "organized religion."

What Pastor Groeschel is trying to do in this book is to call us to continually examine ourselves and our lives; to think honestly about our lives and faith; to learn to rid ourselves of hindrances to complete trust and dependence on God.  He doesn't come right out and say it but he is ultimately talking about the process of sanctification.   We don't want to go the other way and to become the "believers" of whom Titus was speaking: "They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate." (Titus 1:16)

How terrible it would be to be that person and not even realize it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hello, Serbia!

Здраво, Србија! Добродошли на групу читалаца из осамдесет и осам других земаља који су такође посети овом блогу. Надам се да вам неке од постовакорисно или смисла.

"Преведи ову страницу" гаџет директно изнад "Тотал Пагевиевс" Бројач имаспособност превођења енглески текст овог блога директно у српски језик.

Осамдесет девет земаља: Аргентине, Аруба, Аустралија, Аустрија, Бахреин, Белорусија, Белгија, Белизе, Бразил, Бугарска, Канада, Кајманска острва, Кина, Колумбија, Конго, Костарика, Хрватска, Чешка Република, Данска,Доминиканска Република, Еквадор , Египат, Ел Салвадор, Естонија, Етиопија, Финска, Француска, Грузија, Немачка, Грчка, Хонг Конг, Мађарска, Индија, Индонезија, Иран, Ирак, Израел, Италија, Обала Слоноваче, Јапан,Јордан, Кувајт, Летонија, Литванија, Луксембург, македонски, Малезија, Малта, Мексико, Молдавија, Мароко, Мијанмар, Холандија, Нови Зеланд,Нигерија, Норвешка, Пакистан, Панама, Парагвај, Филипини, Пољска, Румунија, Русија, Саудијска Арабија, Сенегал, Сенегал, Сингапур, Словачка,Словенија, Јужна Африка, Јужна Кореја, Шпанија, Шри Ланка, Шведска, Швајцарска, Тајван, Танзанија, Тајланд, Тринидад и Тобаго, Турска, Уганда,Украјина, Уједињени Арапски Емирати, Велика Британија, САД, Венецуела, Вијетнам, Јемену, Зимбабве .

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What the Bible Says About being Rich

"Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life." 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Jesus showed the rich young ruler (Mark 10:17-31, Luke 18:18-23, Matthew 19:16-23) that what he really loved was his wealth, not the Lord. It is not the wealth that is the problem, but the misplaced priority, worshipping the idol of money or power instead of glorying in the Kingdom of God. Jesus said it was very hard for a rich man to be saved, He did not say it could not happen.
In the quotation above, Paul doesn't insist that the rich not be rich or that they even feel guilty about being rich. He points to their hearts; if their hearts are set on God and not on their wealth, then their money becomes a powerful tool for use by the Lord.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Attempts To Kill the Church

Sparky Anderson, a manager of several different American professional baseball teams continued a long American tradition of malapropisms when he said, "We try every way we can do to kill the game, but for some reason, nothing nobody does never hurts it."

What he said makes no sense grammatically, but it does make sense.  There is something about the game of baseball (my favorite competitive sport) which survives problems within the baseball community and criticisms from outside.  I believe that the unifying factor in baseball is the love for the game, for the team comraderie, for the level of artistic skill needed to successfully play the game.  It becomes an all-consuming passion for some.

Christians understand the same thing about their community and the Bible.  Christianity has withstood, and even prospered and matured, under severe intellectual challenges, criticisms and outright persecutions.  We have also fought, sometimes bitterly, over seemingly trivial matters and over some foundational and non-negotiable matters.  One of the strongest criticisms non-believers offer is the question of why there is no true Christian unity, no unanimity of belief.  (They totally fail to understand the concept of The Church, existing within the various religious traditions, but not contained exclusively in any of them.  This is the Remnant, those few who truly share the Mind of Christ, those traveling on the straight and narrow path.)

The reason the Church endures is because it is of God.  Who can stand up against His glory and power?  Who can possibly cause any damage to His People, His Word, and His Church?  

The link below is a forceful declaration about the futility of trying to harm God's Bible (and also His Church).

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Seventy-Seven Years As a Church Organist!

After seventy-seven years of faithful service, Lillian Bubsby Greene is retiring as the pianist for the St. Louis Missionary Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama (USA).  She started at the age of twelve.

She calls her special musical ability a gift from God.  "I can hear it, I can play it.  I don't have to have music. ... If I know the song, the Lord just puts it in me."

The St. Louis Church was built in 1872.

Because the link goes to a commercial site, there is a brief advertisement before the video about Mrs. Greene begins.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

"...the Devil will get you!"

Just north of Prattville, Alabama (USA) on Interstate Highway 65 is a roadside billboard on which there is painted a gleefully leering red-skinned devil with a pitchfork.  There he stands, with a long pointed tail and little horns on his head.  Just like the little devil who stood on Little Audrey’s left shoulder in the classic cartoons. (A little white-robed angel with a halo stood on her right shoulder.)

On the billboard, is the inscription in bright red, “Go to Church or the Devil will get you!” 

I used to pass by this sign without any serious thought, but, this last weekend, it really bothered me.  I know that the people who put up the sign were well-meaning and devoted Christians and I share their concern.  The primary and overriding task of the Church is evangelism. (Matthew 28:19)

There are several things I see as troubling about the billboard.

1.                     The devil on the sign is cartoonish and stereotypical.  Non-believers will laugh at the supposedly “stupid” Christians rather than be frightened by the Devil whose existence they deny. 
2.                     If we are serious about challenging the world’s evil system and wish to draw others to Christ, we must present arguments which are intellectually unchallengeable, not trite and stereotypical ones which will be dismissed as silly by unbelievers.
3.                     As presented, the message seems to state that        
church attendance will save someone.  Then why does every honest pastor know that, among the people in their churches, some, perhaps many, are totally lost? “And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” Matthew 7:23 (The full passage is Matthew 7:15-28)
4.                     The billboard's message implies that an action, church attendance, is important in our salvation.  We are told not to forsake assembling ourselves together (Hebrews 10:25) but we are also told that observance of the law and assembling on a particular day will not save us; we are saved by our relationship with Jesus Christ.  (Galatians 2:16, Romans 14:4-8.)  There is nothing which we can do to save ourselves, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:  Not of works, lest any man should boast.”  Ephesians 2:8-9

The person(s) who placed the devil billboard on the side of the highway had only the best intentions and, if only one person was moved by the billboard to accept Jesus as Lord, there was rejoicing in Heaven (Luke 15:10).  We must, however, be careful about the unintentional messages we are sending by our statements and actions to be sure that the received message is the biblical one we intended to send.

Friday, July 15, 2011


At some time during their lives, the following people have publicly identified themselves as Christian.   Inclusion in this list does not indicate approval or disapproval of the person, of their orthodoxy or lack of it, or of their actions.  Readers are encouraged to suggest persons who should be included on this list.  This is a recurring segment in this blog.

Ugur Yuksel: (b. Turkey) 32 year old Turkish convert who was murdered along with two others by a gang of Muslim men on 18 April 2007 in Malatya, Turkey.   The martyrs were tortured with knives before their throats were slit.

Solly Moholo: South African talent scout, music producer, and gospel music singer.

Winnie Mashabo: South African gospel music singer and songwriter. She was nominated for a Kora music award in 2005.

Epaphroditus (aka: Epaphras) A gentile mentioned in Colossians 1:4-8 and 4:12-13.  He was a fellow prisoner with Paul and possibly was the founder of the church at Colossae (the site is near modern Honaz, Turkey).

Justin Drew Bieber: (b. 1994, Canada) Singer, songwriter, musician, actor.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Live Journal Posts

At I have begun to post interesting entries which would not be appropriate or relevant to the purposes of this blog.  Entries about sports, animals, humor, medical technology, films, television, genealogy, writing, food, dieting, health, and, even local matters, will be found here.

My posting will be irregular and not daily as in this blog.  I invite you to read both blogs if you wish.

The first of the new entries is a You Tube video entitled Kitten vs. Two Scary Things.  You will be unable to watch it only once.

German Christian Rap Music

This is a Low German Christian Rap song entitled Himmel oda Hall (Heaven or Hell).  The singer is named Jamie, aka Discypo.

Update: Here is the link: 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


"Like a sneeze, sin feels good at first, but it leaves a huge mess."  Craig Groeschel, in The Christian Atheist (2010)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Request For Prayers and Get-Well Cards

Vince Sutton was not a star on the University of Alabama football team during the years 1984 to 1988.  He was the back-up quarterback, a substitute, the player who goes into the game if the primary player is injured or if the game has long-ago been won (or lost).  He played sparingly in 21 of the 56 games played during his time at the university.  His shining moment was when he was put into a game in 1988 and led his team to a come-from-behind win against the University of Kentucky.

Sutton has said that he loved every moment of his time at the university and, like most college athletes, he declares that his experience was positive, teaching him the values of hard work, discipline, personal responsibility, and how to deal with adversity.

Sutton, now the head football coach at Dawson Street Christian School in LaGrange, Georgia (USA), is now facing adversity of a sort he never encountered in college.  His kidneys have failed and he is on a waiting list to receive a kidney transplant.

Former teammates and coaches have pitched in to help Sutton.  What he is asking for from the public are prayers and get-well cards.  This blog has readers from eighty-seven countries.  If many of the readers would pray for Vince Sutton and/or send him get well wishes it might really boost his spirits as he waits.

Vince Sutton
110 Old Airport Rd., Apt. 713
LaGrange, Georgia, USA 30240

Film Comment: Zardoz

Zardoz (1973) is a film set in the extremely  distant future, so far in the future that no attempt is made to tell the audience when it occurs.  Over the untold centuries, Earth’s population has split into three distinct cultures: the Eternals, who used science to become telekinetic and immortal and have long since become bored with everything, even science; the Brutals, who live muddy lives of primitive mind-numbing poverty and ignorance; and the Exterminators, who gleefully hunt and kill the Brutals for their bloodthirsty god, Zardoz, a giant flying stone head.

One of the Exterminators, Zed (Sean Connery) is smarter than the others and wants to know the answer to one question, “Why?”  Committing an act the other Exterminators would see as stupidly blasphemy,  Zed jumps into the open toothy mouth of the enormous giant head, Zardoz.  When the head begins to move, Zed stays inside and is carried away to his destiny.

Standing in the mouth of the idol, Zed sees sights he’s never seen before; forests and a settlement with buildings.   Zardoz, which is obviously a mechanism, carries him to the Vortex, a force-field surrounded paradise in which the Eternals live.

The presence of a barbarian stirs up long-dead emotions in the Etertnals, especially in one woman (Charlotte Rampling).  The Eternals allow Zed to link his mind into their computer which controls the tedious day to day functions of maintaining their environment.  Zed is suddenly no longer an illiterate barbarian Exterminator; he is now a hyper-genius barbarian Exterminator.

Along with all the Eternal’s accumulated historical and scientific knowledge, Zed has also learned their secret: “It was all a joke.”  Zardoz is a machine, his name is stolen from the book, The Wizard of Oz, and he was created to find the perfect Exterminator.  The Eternals have groomed Zed to be their executioner, to do for them for what they could not do for themselves.

Some people find this film to be excruciatingly slow, and it is.  I think the speed of this film is intentional.  It moves slowly to highlight the deadly boredom of the Eternals.  They have done everything, seen everything, discussed everything, learned everything, and have absolutely no challenges to which to respond.  Perfect health, limitless wealth, and eternal life have become their prison.  Zed, the ruthless killer, is exciting because he is dangerous, because he can end it.

Many Christians have a deficient understanding of eternity.  I doubt that many actually believe the Hollywood idea of the dead becoming angels and sitting on clouds playing harps for eternity.  Besides being totally confused about who the angels are, this future would become a Hell just like the one faced by Zardoz’s bored Eternals, because it would never end or change.

More likely, many Christians probably never give it a thought.  Thinking about death and eternity are unsettling to most people.  To the Christian, though, they shouldn’t be.  Jesus has defeated death.   We have absolutely nothing to fear.

The biblical understanding of eternal life is expressed in the Greek words, ζω αώνιος, “life aeon-long.”  An aeon (αώνιος) is the longest period of time the human mind can conceive, endless time.  Jesus has said (John 8:58), “Before Abraham was born, I AM,” an existence of NOW in which the past, present, and future are all one thing.  There is no beginning and no ending, everything is now.

In this eternal now we will not just float around on clouds, playing harps.  We will be “kings and priests” (1Peter 2:9, Revelation 1:6, 5:10) and we will judge angels (1 Corinthians 6:3).  And here is a secret: our eternal life has already begun.  It started when Jesus said, “It is finished!” 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Caught in Sin

"A minister was pulled over for speeding. As the cop was about to write the ticket, the minister said to him, 'Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.'
The cop handed the minister the ticket and said, 'Go thou and sin no more,'" 

“From The Big Book of Church Jokes, published by Barbour Publishing, Inc. Used by permission.”

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Elvis Presley Singing "Amazing Grace"

Elvis Aaron Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977) was one of the most popular American singers of the 20th century. A cultural icon, he is widely known by the single name Elvis.   He was raised in The First Assembly of God Church in Memphis, Tennessee. Whether or not he was actually a Christian is still debated.  Listen to what he said to his pastor in Memphis.

“Pastor, I am the most miserable young man you have ever seen. I have got more money than I can ever spend. I have thousands of fans out there, and I have a lot of people who call themselves my friends, but I am miserable. I am not doing a lot of things you taught me, and I am doing some things that you taught me not to do. But no matter what I do, I don’t forget about God. I feel He’s watching every move I make. And in a way it’s good for me. I’ll never feel easy smoking a cigarette. I just don’t think those things are right for me…I just want to let a few people know that the way I live is by doing what I think God wants me to. I want someone to understand.” (From, Last Train to Memphis, Peter Guralnick, Back Bay books)


Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Current State of Christianity in the Persian Gulf Countries

This blog has readers from eighty-seven countries including several located in the Persian Gulf area.  The article here discusses the current state of Christianity in these nations.

"Paradoxes of our time. It is at least three decades that the land which gave birth to Islam and the Prophet is top on the chart of the areas in the world where Christianity is at its maximum increase. However, it is not an increase due to conversions. In these lands the possibility to embrace the Christian faith still continues to be illegal. The increase finds its origins in a massive migration flow which concerns all the countries of the Gulf." Giuseppe Caffulli, Director of Reviews and the Website of the Custody of the Holy Land, from a 2010 article from the Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

Friday, July 8, 2011


At some time during their lives, the following people have publicly identified themselves as Christian.   Inclusion in this list does not indicate approval or disapproval of the person, of their orthodoxy or lack of it, or of their actions.  Readers are encouraged to suggest persons who should be included on this list.  This is a recurring segment in this blog.

Clemente Vismana: (b. 1897, Italy – d. 1988, Myanmar)  WWI soldier, Roman Catholic priest, missionary to Burma.  He founded churches, orphanages, schools, and taught carpentry and mechanics.  He is creited with converting over 100 villages to Christianity and was the founder of the Christian towns of Monglin and Mongping.

Eugene Chizik: (b. 1961, Florida, USA) College football coach.  National championship in 2010 at Auburn University.  Raised as a Roman Catholic, now is a non-denominational Evangelical.

Theodore Anthony Nugent: (b. 1948, Michigan, USA, aka: Uncle Ted, the Nuge, the Motor City Madman) Rock music guitarist, vocalist, hunter, conservationist, political activist.  He has sold over 30,000,000 records. Roman Catholic.

Bernard Kincaid: (b. 1945, USA) Mayor of Birmingham, Alabama 1999-2007. Methodist.

Albert Burton Boutwell: (b. 1904, Alabama, USA) Attorney, politician.  Alabama State Senator 1946-1959, Lt. Governor of Alabama 1959-1963, Mayor of Birmingham, Alabama 1963-1967.  Methodist.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Download the Bible to Your Mobile Device

To download the Bible to your mobile device go to .  The application has been downloaded over 12,000,000 times.  The download is free from Pastor Craig Groeschel and his congregation at Life Church.  They have fourteen church campuses (in Florida, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas) and online church services.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"The New York Same Sex Marriage Vote" Revisited, #4

On 28 June 2011, I posted "The New York Same-Sex Marriage Vote" and promised, "More on tax-exempt status, homosexuality, persecution, and marriage later."  Today, marriage.

"Because the Bible says so" doesn't hold much water with the rest of the world.  The world doesn't, for the most part, accept our values.  Most people in Western countries think that marriage is between a man and a woman because that is how it "just is," "that's the way it has always been."  That is, of course, not actually true.

Marriage worldwide has taken many forms: multiple husbands for a single wife; multiple wives for a single husband; one man, one woman for life; group marriage of multiple husbands and multiple wives all of whom "belong" to everyone; serial marriages to individual spouses; "open" marriages into which other persons may be temporarily inserted for sex; marriages for legal purposes in which the "spouses" might never even meet one another; marriages between children and adults; wives who may be "shared"with visitors as a form of polite hospitality; a form of prostitution called "comfort marriages" in which men marry and then divorce the wife in a single afternoon so their sexual relations will not be considered to be illegitimate; and many other variations.  

For the Christian, the words of Jesus in the Bible are authoritative.

"And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,  And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?  Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."  Matthew 19:4-6

I predict that we will eventually lose the battle over same-sex marriage.  Remember that the world does not share our values, except incidentally.  The modern argument is that there are no absolute values; nothing is always true; there may not even be such a thing as "truth.".  Your "truth" may not be my "truth."

Public opinion can be easily swayed by seemingly reasonable arguments about "fairness."
We are called to obey the truth as given to us by God, not as determined by the changing opinions of men.  We must understand that this will in no way convince the rest of the world and they may react very negatively to us.  We must decide which we value more, the opinion of other people or the opinion of God.  This makes our choice very simple and,  possibly, very difficult.

A possible option if we eventually lose the legal battle over same-sex marriage: drop our tax exemption status and continue to do what we know is right.  Hold religious wedding ceremonies which we consider to be binding and submit whatever civil paperwork is required to make our marriages "legal."

R. Albert Mohler, Jr., the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, speaks on this subject in "Evangelicals and the Gay Moral Revolution," an article appearing on page A13 in the Friday 1 July 2011 issue of The Wall Street Journal.  The chilling final sentence of the article is "We are about to find out just how much we believe the Gospel we so eagerly preach."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"The New York Same-Sex Marriage Vote" Revisited #3

On 28 June 2011, I posted "The New York Same-Sex Marriage Vote" and promised, "More on tax-exempt status, homosexuality, persecution, and marriage later."  Today, persecution.

The first persecution specifically of "Christians" came under the Roman Emperor Nero in 64 AD/CE.  Claudius in 49 persecuted Christians because he thought they were Jews.  Over the years it has never really stopped, whether it has been overt or more subtle.

Persecution takes many forms; it is not always whips and chains and burnings.  Social disapproval, economic interference, litigation, and other forms of harassment can be very effective.  The world at large does not share our values.

"Martyr," from the Greek word, μάρτυρας, means "witness." Christians don't have a tradition of seeking to be martyrs.  We do have a tradition of at least some of us not flinching when called upon to witness.

Monday, July 4, 2011

"The New York Same-Sex Marriage Vote" Revisted, #2

On 28 June 2011, I posted "The New York Same-Sex Marriage Vote" and promised, "More on tax-exempt status, homosexuality, persecution, and marriage later."  Today, tax-exempt status.

Short of passing "hate-crime" laws outlawing the belief that homosexuality and same-sex marriage are outside of God's will, the main way that opponents of our view might try to fight the church is to threaten to remove the tax-exempt status of our churches.

A way in which churches can fight this interference in their affairs is to be pre-emptive and renounce their tax-exempt status.  That would immediately remove the government's control of the church's activities.

Of course, this could be abused to institute questionable practices.  Real churches of Christ will not fall into that trap.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

"The New York Same-Sex Marriage Vote" Revisited

On 28 June 2011, I posted "The New York Same-Sex Marriage Vote" and promised, "More on tax-exempt status, homosexuality, persecution, and marriage later."  Today, homosexuality.

My religious affiliation, The Southern Baptist Convention, takes the stand that the practice of homosexuality is incompatible with a profession of faith in Jesus Christ.  We say we "hate the sin, not the sinner."  Individual homosexuals may very well be Christian, but they must not engage in homosexual behavior if they wish to remain in fellowship with the Church.

Homosexual practice is declared an "abomination" in Leviticus 18:22 and in 20:13 as part of the Holiness Code in Leviticus 17-26.  All the forbidden sexual relationships in the Code have one thing in common;  they are outside the institution of the marriage of a man and a woman.  As some have pointed out, homosexuality should not be singled out as somehow more "evil" than any other sin.

We believe homosexuality is a sin and, like all other sins *, it causes separation from the Holy Lord God.  Those homosexuals who wish to honor the Lord Jesus Christ and remain celibate or to attempt to change their behavior are welcome in our churches.  As are all other sinners, we are all sinners saved by the Grace of God.

* (I will discuss "sin" at a later time.)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

What They Think of Us: Brief Bible Blunders #10

This is a video posted on You Tube in which an anti-Christian laughs at our "stupidity." He (she?) thinks this is a "gotcha" in which Jesus contradicts Himself. Well .... no.

In the first Bible quotation (Matthew 5:21-22), Jesus does one of His "but I say ..." clarifications in which He equates belligerent and belittling behavior toward another person with murder. Jesus took the Hebrew Scriptures and traditions and reinterpreted them. He placed His statements on a par with them. This is one of the reasons the Jews of his time thought He was a blasphemer. Only God could do what He did.

In the second quotation (Matthew 23:17), Jesus calls a group of religious leaders "fools." Did he violate his prior statement? If He was, as the world believes, just a man, yes. If he was, as Christians believe, fully Man and fully God, then, no. He was merely speaking the truth as He did in other situations.

"But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?" Luke 12:20

Friday, July 1, 2011

Another Light Bulb Joke

How many Hare Krishnas does it take to change a light bulb?
One to screw in the bulb and nine to dance and chant in praise.