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Friday, November 29, 2013

Hello, Madagascar!

Bonjour , Madagascar ! Bienvenue dans le groupe de lecteurs 120-5 autre pays des pays qui visitent également ce blog . J'espère que vous trouverez quelques-uns des messages utiles ou significatives .

Le gadget " Traduire cette page " au dessus de la «Total Pages Vues " Counter a la capacité de traduire le texte de ce blog Inglés Directement dans multitude de nombreuses autres langues dont le français , mais , malheureusement, pas malgache .
Cent vingt -six pays : Albanie , Algérie, Angola , Antigua -et-Barbuda , Argentine, Arménie , Aruba , Australie , Autriche , Azerbaïdjan, Bahreïn, Bangladesh , Bélarus, Belgique , Belize , Botswana , Brésil , Brunei , Bulgarie , Cambodge , Canada , îles Caïmans , Chili , Chine, Colombie , Congo , Costa Rica , Croatie , Chypre , République tchèque , Danemark , République dominicaine , Équateur , Égypte , El Salvador , Estonie , Ethiopie, Finlande , France, Géorgie , Allemagne , Gabon , Ghana , Grèce , Guam , Hong Kong , Hongrie, Islande , Inde, Indonésie , Iran , Iraq , Irlande, Israël , Italie , Côte-d'Ivoire , la Jamaïque , le Japon , la Jordanie , le Cambodge , le Kazakhstan , Kenya , Koweït , Kirghizistan , Laos , Lettonie , Liban , Lesotho , Libye , Lituanie, Luxembourg , Macédoine , Madagascar , Malaisie , Mali , Malte, Mexique , Moldova , Mongolie , Maroc , Myanmar , Namibie , Pays-Bas , Nouvelle-Calédonie , Nouvelle-Zélande , Nigéria, Norvège, Pakistan , Panama , Paraguay , Pérou , Philippines , Pologne , Portugal , Qatar , Réunion , Roumanie, Russie , Saint-Kitts- et-Nevis , l'Arabie saoudite , Sénégal , Serbie, Singapour , Slovaquie, Slovénie , Afrique du Sud , Corée du Sud , Espagne , Sri Lanka , Soudan , Suriname , Suède , Suisse , Taiwan , Tanzanie, Thaïlande , Trinité-et- Tobago , Tunisie, Turquie , Ouganda , Ukraine , Émirats arabes unis , Royaume-Uni , Etats-Unis d' Amérique , Venezuela , Vietnam , Yémen , Zimbabwe

Thursday, November 28, 2013


When I first heard about Thanksgivingkuh, it somehow did not sound right to me.  It is a sort of comical take on the extremely rare occurance of the American secular holiday, Thanksgiving, and the first day of the Jewish religious holiday, Hanukkah, occurring on the same day.  The next time this convergence will occur is on 28 November 79,811.   Since the Hanukkah festival lasts for eight days, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah have and will continue to occur on other days within the eight-day period over the years.  The last time both holidays fell on the first day of the festival was on 29 November 1888.  Hanukkah 2013 began on Wednesday 27 November because the Jewish day begins at sundown.  Since the Jewish calendar is lunar-based and on a nineteen year cycle, the festivals move around in date much more than in the common Gregorian Calendar.  Hanukkah begins each year on the 25th day of the month of Kislev.

Thansgivingkuh (Thanksgiving + Hanukkah) cards have appeared along with a menurkey (menorah + turkey).  A menurkey is a turkey decoration whose tail holds the candles normally place in the sacred menorah.

I asked a Jewsih friend what he thought of Thanksgivingkuh and he said he had not heard of it but that he was amused. My friend did not share my feeling that the merging of the two holidays, one secular and one religious, was somehow sacrilegious.  Though Hanukkah is a religious holiday, many American Jews see it as overly secularized and commercialized.  Some see it as a time to give gifts so that their children will not be upset about not celebrating Christmas.

Hanukkah celebrates a Jewish military victory in 165 BC/BCE over the Greek/Syrian army of Antiochus Epiphanes after which the candle in the Temple burned for eight days on a supply of oil sufficient for only one day.  The battle ended on 25 Kislev. This was seen as an affirmation from God of the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.  The word “Hanukkah” derives from the Hebrew verb חנך   which means “to dedicate.”  The festival is mentioned in the New Testament at John 10:22-23.  The events of Hanukkah are recounted in the apocryphal books of 1 and 2 Maccabees.

Rachel Gurevitz, the Senior Rabbi at Congregation B.nai Shalom in Westborough, Massacusetts, sees Thanksgivingkuh as a chance to discuss Jewish and American history with children, seeing a convergence of meaning in both holidays.  Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, on the Fox News Channel, said essentially the same thing.

I am not a humorless Scrooge, but Thanksgivingkuh still strikes me as questionable.

I am not sure who first pointed this out, but Hanukkah, from a Christian perspective, is very important.  If Antiochus Epiphanes had succeeded in basically exterminating the Jewish religion, then Jesus would probably not have been born as a Jew.   Jesus had to be truly human, He had to be truly divine, and He had to be Jewish.  Salvation comes through the Jews (John 4: 22).  God used the Jewish nation over the centuries to reveal Himself in a manner intellible to man’s limited understanding.  All of history before the Crucifixion was a preparation and an explanation of what God is like and what the Crucifixion and Resurrection mean.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What They Think of Us: Using an Image of Jesus in Secular Advertising

Some people see nothing wrong with using the image of Jesus in a commercial advertisement.  This politically charged image concerns the often close ties between the United States and Brazil.  The ties at times have been so close that they are “in bed together.”

This is an advertisement image for an airline.  Apparently, the airline has stated that the advertisement is a fake.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Look at This!

Typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippines, displacing at least 600,000 people and killing upwards of 3200 people.  The death toll continues to rise as rescue and recovery efforts continue.  Supplies of food and water are only now beginning to reach many of the victims.   The people need our prayers and support.

In the midst of the death and destruction there are, of course, acts of heroism and nobility, and there is one thing which stands out as truly amazing.  I am a rather concrete, historically based, and non-superstitious Christian.  Images of Jesus on food, or in the shape assumed by a Cheeto, or in a stain on a door, I find to be ridiculous.  I am skeptical of religious relics, signs, and supposed miracles.  I do not deny their existence, I merely realize that we cannot base our faith on them. 

Look at this. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Baptist Top 1000 Ranking

Saints on the Loose! is currently ranked number 362 on the Baptist Top 1000 website, the world's largest directory of Baptist websites.

The worldwide number of websites continues to grow at a rapid pace.  In 2008, there were about 165,000,000 sites.  By December 2012, the number had grown to about 634,000,000 and by April 2013 the number had reached 649,000,000 with about 412,000,000,000 individually indexed pages.  (The statistics are from the internet security and data mining company, Netcraft.) 

Only about 187,000,000 of the sites are active.  Many of the inactive sites were created to lock up every imaginable variation of domain name for commercial companies in order to prevent cyber-squatting.  Also, some of the sites are pre-registered for later sale by web domain companies.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Christian Heresies: In a book titled The Word's Way

I frequent used bookshops and one of my favorites is the enormous warehouse-sized 2nd and Charles, the used book outlet for Books-a-Million.  I find many excellent older Christian books there in their religion section.  This is a secular national bookstore chain and they sell books.  Since the chain has no religious orientation or affiliation they do not screen the books they sell.  As they said in Latin, “Caveat emptor!”  (“Let the buyer beware!”)

I, for one, do not think there should be official censorship except for pornographic books and books which explicitly advocate pedophilia, and political or sexual violence (yes, books such as this exist).  Sometimes, you can learn things from people with whom you totally disagree.

In the bookstores, there are “Christian” books which cause me to raise a skeptical eyebrow.  Some of the books advocate ideas like the heretical Prosperity Gospel, reincarnation, social justice as the meaning of the Gospel, viewing a religious group’s founder as a near deity, and even Marxist interpretations of Christian theology.

The Word’s Way, by Victor Paul Wierwille, published in 1971 by the American Christian Press, is one book which orthodox Christians should anathematize. ἀνάθεμα is a Greek word meaning “cursed” or “rejected.” A book which is anathematized can be read and understood but should never be the basis for any formulation about doctrinal matters.

You will not get far into The Word’s Way before you will see why this book is to be rejected.  On pages 26 and 28, this appears,

“God is eternal whereas Jesus was born. …How was Jesus with God in the beginning?  In the same way that the written Word was with Him – in God’s foreknowledge.  God knew that Jesus Christ would be born and that He would redeem man.”

This is classical Araianism.  Arius (ca 250 -336) was a Christian bishop in Alexandria, Egypt who denied the deity of Jesus.  He declared that Jesus was a created being (”born”) and not of the same nature and substance as the father.  Arius was excommunicated by his fellow bishops but had many followers and the doctrine he advocated was widely accepted by many for many years.  The controversy was one of the factors which led to the formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity.  Roman Catholic Church councils rejected the doctrine of Arianism in 325, 360, and 431. In other Councils, they rejected other heterodox ideas about the nature of the relationship between God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.   Protestants do not accept the doctrine of the Trinity because of the bishop’s councils but we do agree with their decisions about the nature of the Trinity.  We believe that the doctrine of the Trinity is clearly taught in Scripture. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Another Light Bulb Joke: Scientologists

How many Scientologists does it take to change a light bulb?
A pre-clear and an auditor need at least six auditing sessions.