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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hello, Kazakhstan!

Здравствуйте, Казахстан! Добро пожаловать в группу читателей из сто двадцать четыре других стран, которые также посетить этот блог. Надеюсь, вы найдете некоторые из должностей, полезное или значимое.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Escapism Has No Place in the Church

Recently, at work, I went to supper expecting to watch the evening news on the break room television.  The television was turned off and everyone in the room was looking down.  No one was talking to anyone.  They were all focused on their personal devices: iPhones, iPads, Kindles, etc.  I did not want to be rude and to disturb them, so I did not turn on the television.  

None of them looked up or acknowledged that I had entered the room; they were each in their own little world, shut off from everything and everyone else around them.  One was reading Facebook posts.  Another was playing a TETRIS-like game in which the falling items were various pieces of candy.

On another night, the other person in the room was already watching a rerun of the comedy series Seinfeld instead of the news.  Seinfeld can be hilarious, but the creators and actors involved with the series have been totally honest in declaring that it is “a television show about nothing.”

There is nothing inherently wrong with games, social media, or funny television programs, but they can become “wrong”when they are used as shelters,  What all of these people had in common was that they were “escaping.”  They were withdrawing into comfortable little corners where the world could not touch them.  None of them was curious at all about what was going on in the outside world.

I had object proof of this one night when I did have the televison set on the evening news.  There was a story about the dedication ceremony of our new hospital building.  One of my co-workers inquired, “Who is that man?”  The man was the governor of the state in which we live.

Christians are not immune to this.  I understand and agree with the separatist impulse among conservative Christians.  Indeed, we are told to be in the world but not of the world and to come out from among them.  We are told to be holy (meaning separated for God) because God is holy. (Leviticus 11:44, 19:2, Isaiah 52:11, James 4:4, 2 Corinthians 6:17, 1 Peter 1:6)

Some Christians make the mistake of carrying this to such extremes that they remove themselves from any meaningful involvement in the outside world.  They use the church and church activities as an escape.  This, in effect, removes them from many opportunities to share the Gospel.   We have been told to go into all the world and to spread the Gospel to all nations.  We are also told to be aware of what is going on around us: to be as wise as serpents but as gentle as doves. (Mark 16:15, Matthew 10:16)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Extrabiblical Evidences of Biblical Persons and/or Events: The Mesad Hashavyahu Ostracon

An ostracon is a piece of broken pottery which is used as a writing surface in the same way we would use paper.  The Mesad Hashavyahu Ostracon is a seventh century BC/BCE fragment of a jar which is inscribed with fourteen lines of Hebrew text and contains the earlist known mention of the Sabbath by a non-biblical source.

The Mesad Hasavyahu is the ruins of an ancient fortress built about 630 BC/BCE, during the reign of Josiah, king of Judah.  The ruins are named for the supervisor mentioned in the inscription.  The original name of the fortress is unknown.  The border fortress faced the Philistine city of Ashdod.

The ostracon is currently housed in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.  It was found in 1960 by the archeologist, Joseph Naveh, during the excavation of the fortress' guard house.

"Let my lord, the governor, hear the word of his servant! Your servant is a reaper. Your servant was in Hazar Asam, and your servant reaped, and finished, and he has stored (the grain) during these days before the Sabbath. When your servant had finished the harvest, and had stored (the grain) during these days, Hoshavyahu came, the son of Shobi, and he seized the garment of your servant, when I had finished my harvest. It (is already now some) days (since) he took the garment of your servant. And all my companions can bear witness for me - they who reaped with me in the heat of the harvest - yes, my companions can bear witness for me. Amen! I am innocent from guilt. And he stole my garment! It is for the governor to give back the garment of his servant. So grant him mercy in that you return the garment of your servant and do not be displeased."

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Make a Joyful Noise

We all sing the best we can.  Cody gives it his very best shot.  His happy tail tells me that he is making a joyful noise.

“Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.” Psalm 98:4

“Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.” Psalm 100:1

“O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.” Psalm 95:1

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Most Evil Curse Word in the World

The other day I was walking my dog when I saw a woman trying to get into her back door.  From the noise coming out of the house, it was obvious that her husband and his friends were having a wild party.  The woman was holding a case of beer in one hand and a grocery sack in the other.  She started kicking the door and then yelled out in anger, “JESUS CHRIST!”

She had turned the Holy Name of the Lord into a curse word.  She had turned it into a vile epithet full of venom.  The most precious Name had become the most evil curse word possible.

“Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” Exodus 20:7 and Deuteronomy 5:11

Read what theologian John Piper has to say on this subject.

We can take God’s name in vain in numerous ways.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Whatever You Do ...

Nick Saban, the coach of the University of Alabama football team insists on only the best from his players.  Those players who do not play to their best level of ability are asked to sit down and others are brought forward to replace them.  Saban’s players almost unanimously credit him with teaching them how to be men and how to approach the rest of their lives after football.

One of the things which Saban teaches the young men is to approach each event as if it is the most important event ever.  He uses the example of the professional basketball player, Michael Jordan.  Saban has said of Jordan that “It doesn’t matter how many game-winning shots he’s made in the past.  The only one that matters is the one he’s about to take.”

I have spoken in the past that Christians should approach their lives as a quest for excellence for God. This is what the layman cook and shoe repairer, Brother Lawrence, did.  When he washed dishes, he washed the dishes for God.  When he repaired the sole of a shoe, he repaired the shoe for God.

“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31