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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Off Topic, But Important

This post is off topic for this blog, but it is about some things which everyone should realize if they are serious about staying healthy during this COVID - 19 (actually SARS-2 (COV)) pandemic.

Most people in the United States are now wearing face masks. What I have noticed is that many are covering their mouths with the masks but leaving their noses uncovered. I suppose that they find the masks to be hot and confining, but if the nose is not covered the mask is totally worthless. The mucous membranes in the nostrils are prime virus territory.

I have also noticed that people who are wearing latex gloves will whip out their cell phones and text as soon as they have a free moment. There is a reason that they are wearing the gloves; to keep viral contamination off their skin. If the cell phone is touched with the possibly dirty gloves, then whatever was on the gloves is also on the cell phone.

The viral precautions appropriate for the COVID - 19 virus may also reduce the chance of you catching the flu, infectious mononucleosis, strep throat, stomach viruses, and many other nasty things.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Just Under the Surface

While in line at the grocery store I noticed the text on the tee shirt worn by the man standing behind me. He was grumbling about the current shortages of some items on grocery store shelves. I suppose that he thought his tee shirt was witty or funny but it may have spoken more than he meant to express. The text was

                                DON'T MAKE ME VIOLATE MY PAROLE! 

The message is a subtle threat. He is expressing that "I am angry and seething inside and if you irritate me in any way I may respond with physical violence." Any police officer can tell you that there are many people like this. I suspect that the numbers of these sociopathic people would horrify you. We live in a fallen lost world.

(For those who may not know, parole is the early release of persons from criminal incarceration based on their good behavior while incarcerated.)

Friday, May 1, 2020

Cleopatra is almost modern

I am not sure who first noticed this so I cannot give attribution. The situation points to an important and seemingly contradictory fact. Though the events related in the Bible  seem to have taken place in great antiquity they can also be seen as having been quite recent,

Think about this set of facts. From the creation of the Great Pyramid of Giza to the life of Cleopatra VII there is a time span of roughly 2520 years. From the lifetime of Cleopatra until the invention of the i-phone is a span of about 2063 years.

Neither Khufu (aka: Cheops, ruled 2589 - 2566 BC), who built the Great Pyramid, or Cleopatra VII Philopator (ruled 51 - 30 BC) is mentioned in the Bible but they are not irrelevant to Bible history.  The Egyptians are prominent in the history of Israel and Cleopatra and her lovers were important in the military battles and intrigues which  led to their enemy, Gaius  Octavius (aka: Octavian),  becoming the first Emperor of the Roman Empire, Augustus.

Emperor Augustus seems to have unknowingly set into motion the events which led  to Jesus being born (Luke 2: 1-5}  in Bethlehem (Beit Lahm, West Bank)  rather than his hometown of Nazareth
(Natzrat, Israel).  Many Christians believe that this  was in fulfillment of the Messianic prophecy given in Micah 5:2.


Cleopatra's great-great-great-great-great grandmother, also named Cleopatra,  is mentioned in 1 Maccabees 10:57-58,  part of the Apocrypha, which is not given biblical status by Protestants.