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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why Life Begins at Conception, Part 5

The scientific facts are not at issue.  Human life demonstrably begins at conception.  Froma Harrop, a columnist and editorial board member with the Providence (Rhode Island) Journal, has said, “the issue isn’t when life begins, but when personhood begins.”

“Personhood” has become an international issue, heavily debated by religion, philosophy, and law.  Does the fetus become a person at conception, at “quickening,” at birth, or sometime else during its intrauterine development?  When is it acceptable to “terminate” (abort) the fetus and when does it become impermissible?  Is there a set date during the fetal development or is it different for each fetus?  If it is different for each fetus, who has the legal right to determine when that date occurs?  What if the incorrect date is set?  Is termination (abortion) permissible for rape or incest or if the children carries a genetic disease?  If the date is missed, can other factors make termination (abortion) acceptable?  Is the possibility of a mistake in developmental dating a strong deterrent to termination (abortion)?

Ultimately, these issues will be decided by the secular courts in each country.  The trend in some countries is to allow abortions with increasing flexibility.  There is one faction which would allow partial birth abortion.  Some would deny medical care to infants who survive unsuccessful abortions.

Those of us who believe that personhood is established at conception may have to remain as loyal dissenters.  We may have to accept the legal reality but we do not have to remain silent.

Some may be faced with hard choices.  They may have to withdraw from the system if they are a nurse or physician who would be forced to participate in an abortion procedure.  Difficult choices may become necessary.

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