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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Book Comment: The Bible as History

Werner Keller's, The Bible as History, has sold over three and a half million copies since its first publication in 1956. There is clearly a reason why. Though there can be no absolute proof that the Bible is what it says it is, there is a continually building body of evidence that the Bible is historically accurate in its claims. Kings and cultures are mentioned in their correct historical context, the presented customs and practices reflect those which prevailed at the time the individual books were written, mentioned individuals are found in extra-biblical documents and archeological sites, and recorded weather and natural events correspond to known science.  Individuals and cultures mentioned only in the Bible have later been confirmed by archeology to be historical.  As Dr. Keller states, " Many events that previously passed for pious tales must now be judged to be historical."

In the thick book (almost 500 pages), Dr. Keller brings together evidence from archeological sites, history, meteorology, astronomy, architecture, sociology, geography, topography, agriculture, language translation, textile technology, and even botany, to give, as he calls it "a confirmation of the Book of Books." The massive weight of the evidence clearly points to the historicity of the Bible. This is a major work of apologetics.

Some readers may not appreciate or wish to accept all of Dr. Keller's conclusions, but as the renowned archeologist Andre Parrot said, "How can we understand the Word, unless we see it in its proper chronological, historical and geographical setting?"

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