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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Temple of the Vampire

I had an experience a few years ago which was somewhat unnerving at the time, though I soon realized that the people actually meant me no harm.  I work a second job on the evening shift and, one night on my way home, I stopped at a red light.  Suddenly beside me was a black hearse with darkened windows.  Then they appeared; white faces pressed against the inside of the hearse's windows,  mouths open with fangs exposed, and white eyes with pinpoint pupils.  When the light changed, I drove away.  I imagine they had a very good laugh. 

They were probably members of a subset of the Goth culture which has an ultra-dark look and worldview with its own traditions, music, clothing, literature, etc.  Many are "closet" Goths, only dressing up in their makeup and costumes to be with their friends.  The more hardcore really live the lifestyle.  Not all Goths consider themselves to be vampires and not all vampires consider themselves to be Goths.

The Temple of the Vampire ( is a religious organization founded in the United States in 1989.  It is officially recognized by the United States government as a religion.  The group has members in the United States, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, England, and Australia.

The group claims that its members learn to gain real control over their lives by understanding the higher powers of the vampire.  The group promises that members will gain willpower and mental strength, learn how to influence and control other people, achieve improved health,experience financial freedom, and attain a prolonged lifespan.  The philosophy is similar to but not the same as the Church of Satan: neither God nor the Devil actually exist; the self is exalted; we are better and stronger than mere humans. 

The Temple strongly rejects one misconception about themselves; they do not engage in physical blood drinking or criminal assault.  Members do openly declare that they are an elitist secret society and consider themselves to be living Gods.

Some other vampire churches: Order of the Dragon, The Vampire Church, House of Kheperu,and  The Vampire Grove.  There are several types of vampires: Lifestyle Vampires (Real Vampires would classify these as "Vampire Lite"), Real Vampires (some consume real blood, others say they consume the life energy of others), and those who claim to be actual Undead Immortals.  There are estimates that the number of vampires worldwide is about 300,000.

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