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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Book Comment: The Secret Life of Angels

In The Secret Life of Angels: Who They Are and How They Help Us (2014), biblical teacher Ron Rhodes examines many of the prevalent modern pagan (yes, I said pagan) ideas about the existence, nature, and activities of angels. In the modern secular culture, there are far more people interested in angels than one might think. The main unifying theme in all of these secular culture views is that they diminish or totally eliminate Jesus from the discussion.

Some people, including some who call themselves Christians, would deny the existence of angels or would explain that what seems to be angelic activity is merely a manifestation of God. Rhodes points out that both the Bible and Jesus Himself are explicit in their statements that angels are real persons.

Teacher Rhodes discusses many of the erroneous prevalent beliefs about angels and shows how and why these teachings are at odds with the Bible's teachings.  He also points out that many modern angel beliefs include occultic activity and open one up to other types of contact. Some of the unbiblical views include:

1. Angels are the spirits of humans who have died and gone to Heaven.
2. Angels always present a positive uplifting message and their purpose is to bring meaning into our lives by helping us to feel loved.
3. Angels are never the instruments of God's wrath. They have nothing to do with the Old Testament image of a vengeful and wrathful God. (This plays into the unscriptural idea that the Gods of the Old Testament and of the New Testament are radically different persons.)
4. Angels are proper objects of worship.
5. Angels teach us that our true nature is divine.
6. Angel activity is increasing in modern times. This is an indication that the world is nearing an evolutionary change, a tipping point.
7. Angels protect all people regardless of their religious beliefs.
8. Angels can be summoned by humans.
9. If we tell an angel what we want, the angel will work to satisfy that desire.

Teacher Rhodes then spends several chapters of the book in discussing the Biblical teachings concerning who God's angels actually are and their true nature and origin. He also discusses our proper relationship with the angels. He backs up each statement with numerous biblical quotations.

The Secret Life of Angels would be incomplete if it ignored one final element of angelology; the most controversial element. Teacher Rhodes points out that, just as the Bible and Jesus explicitly affirm the existence of God's angels, they also are explicit in affirming the existence of the fallen angels, the demons. Rather than being the imaginary stuff of superstition and ignorance, the demons are real persons just as real as the angels. The Bible gives us quite explicit instructions about how to deal with these persons.


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