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Thursday, March 21, 2013


This morning, walking into work from the employee parking deck, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my knee and heard a loud pop.  I had to lean on the building not to fall onto the ground.    I finally made my way slowly into the building and arrived at my place of work.  It was obvious as the morning progressed that the discomfort I felt was not transitory.

I asked for permission to leave work and went immediately to the office of my orthopedist.  After he examined my knee, the doctor said that he believed that I had torn my meniscus.  He gave me an injection into my knee and placed a mechanical brace on my knee.  I left on crutches.  Thinking about my pain I realized that it was nothing compared to the physical pain felt by Jesus upon the Cross.

Most depictions of the crucifixion show the nails being placed in the palms of Jesus' hands.  It is more likely that the nails were placed into the space between the ulna and radius bones in His wrists.  The bones in the palm of the hand would be less likely to be able to support the weight of an adult man.  The idea of crucifixion was for the one being punished to hang from the cross, not for the hand to tear apart and drop the person.  (Nailing was the most extreme form of crucifixion; many were subjected to the less extreme practice of being tied to the cross with ropes.)

Hanging by the hands or wrists caused the body to fall down with the shoulders being pulled upward.  This made it very difficult for the victim to breath.  A piece of wood was often placed below the victim's feet so that they could push themselves upward and catch their breath.  In the more extreme form. nails were placed through the tops of the feet.

The injuries of Jesus would all have been extremely physically painful.  The crown of thorns pushed onto His skull, the bruising from carrying His heavy wooden Cross, the scourging with a whip covered with sharp pieces of metal, and, of course, the crucifixion itself.  All of these injuries would have seemed almost like nothing compared to what was actually happening.

Think of this.  Jesus was the perfect man, who was utterly sinless and blameless.  The Bible says that He was made sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21).  Think of the emotional shock to a sinless being suddenly being judged guilty of murder, depravity, millions of "little white lies,"jealousy, cheating on taxes, genocide, gluttony, rape, doubting the Goodness of God, selfishness, and millions of other sins.

Then came the ultimate pain; complete separation from God.  Jesus, who was present with the Father at the Creation and is one of the Persons of the Triune God, was utterly alone. He screamed out in Aramaic", Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?," "My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34; Matthew 27:46)

Utter separation from God, utter loneliness, utter helplessness.  This is the future of everyone who rejects the saving Blood of Jesus.

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